Saturday, November 20, 2010

Accused of being a Witch

So, let me get this straight... You've been on my couch for the last hour or so, and you didn't think it was important enough to tell me? On my couch? Really?


Happy Birthday to one of my dear friends. Yeah, you know who you are.

My friend is now over, and has been for an hour or so (according to he and my dad). We're gonna stop by your house, say happy birthday, then terrorize the town.

Angry villagers will run after us with pitch forks and torches, as we dash through the streets laughing.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Chalk on the Sidewalk

A small girl in a pink floral dress has blue powder all over her hands. She laughs as she chases her daddy around the yard. After a moment, they settle down and return to the canvas to admire her art. A bright yellow sun, a white fluffy cloud. A blue sky, green grass, and a pink flower.

I believe in magic, and I believe in fairy tales. I'd like to believe fairies and dragons, griffins, pixies, and gnomes exist. I believe there's more to life than there seems.I want to believe in love at first sight, even if it may not last forever. I believe in an afterlife, and ghosts, and angels.I believe that a higher being exists And I believe that miracles can happen.
I know that magic shouldn't exist, and I know fairy tales are nice, but not real. Science provides no evidence as to the existence of mythological creatures. Sometimes life is as plain and simple as black and white. There's nothing to prove there's an afterlife because no one's lived to tell.

But science doesn't mean shit. Science has no imagination.
I'm fine believing. I like believing. I believe I can believe in whatever I like.

Believe that I believe, and I'll believe everything will be okay.