Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ashes, Ashes

Then we all fall down.

The taste of each word, the way it rolls off my tongue. That's what makes my world spin 'round.

The sight of each person, the way they all act. That's what drives me insane.

The sound of my thoughts, they way they bounce off the walls. That's what keeps me up at night.

The smell of the rain, the way it entices my nose. That's what puts a smile on my face.

The feel of your skin, the way your hand warms my hand. That's what makes my heart flutter.

There's Everything to Say

Her heart rested in her palm. She looked at it with disgust. To her, this bloody lump was a broken play thing, and it expired long ago. She threw it at a gray wall, as hard as she could; painting it with her soul. That was the end of everything.

The world is just a gray blur. There's no color anywhere. Where did it all go? What happened to that precious rainbow?

It was the only thing pretty, and now it's gone. Strange to think how the string can just snap, and soon enough you're lost in the bottom of an endless pit. No light, no sound, no feeling. In a way, it's blissful. When I'm numb like this, it's easy to pull back, let go, and turn away. Maybe when I climb out again, I'll end up somewhere else...

And then I remember you, and there's no place I'd rather be but up there again. You made me smile for the first time since returning home. Thanks.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Lack of Importance

And I'll stare out into the distance, wondering how far away the edge of the world really is. We'll wonder what God truly sees and whether he approves.

If I close my eyes, it's all the same. Darkness, darkness everywhere. You'll never truly understand just what this means to me. The importance, or lack thereof maybe, will never be appreciated.

But you've misunderstood the message here. You can't write in the dark, can you? You can't taste with your toes, can you? Can fire burn without oxygen? No. Don't kid yourself, don't even bother trying to prove this wrong. The facts are the facts, and there's simply no denying that the truth is this: We're not capable of loving people. We just like to love the idea of loving one another.

Even in the twisted shadows that glimmer with a slick blackness that's as inescapable as death, it's easy to see that everything you've ever known... Well, it's a lie.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

An Infected Society

Hate corrupts and erodes the soul. It's like acid, corroding and eating away at us.

It turns our hearts cold and black, and devours one's sense of what is morally acceptable.

It infects society like a plague of death and illness. Hate is a vile and disgusting thing.

It lurks about in the shadows, waiting to ensnare us in its clammy fingers, a firm grasp on our shaky and weak hearts.

It's the greatest weapon, harboring in the very core of our being.

Only God's strength and light can obliterate the durance of Hate.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Broken Wings Equal Broken Dreams

Your wings are broken. What will you do now? Can you fly? Will you survive?

Our time runs low, the sand dripping away one grain at a time. We're running as fast as we can, and running out of options.

We've put our hands up and raised the white flag. You won, game over. I hope your happy, as the world dies. You're the King of Nothing, Ruler of a Desolate and Empty Universe.

Good luck with your forgotten Kingdom. May you rot in whatever hell forms from your destruction.