Saturday, November 20, 2010

Accused of being a Witch

So, let me get this straight... You've been on my couch for the last hour or so, and you didn't think it was important enough to tell me? On my couch? Really?


Happy Birthday to one of my dear friends. Yeah, you know who you are.

My friend is now over, and has been for an hour or so (according to he and my dad). We're gonna stop by your house, say happy birthday, then terrorize the town.

Angry villagers will run after us with pitch forks and torches, as we dash through the streets laughing.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Chalk on the Sidewalk

A small girl in a pink floral dress has blue powder all over her hands. She laughs as she chases her daddy around the yard. After a moment, they settle down and return to the canvas to admire her art. A bright yellow sun, a white fluffy cloud. A blue sky, green grass, and a pink flower.

I believe in magic, and I believe in fairy tales. I'd like to believe fairies and dragons, griffins, pixies, and gnomes exist. I believe there's more to life than there seems.I want to believe in love at first sight, even if it may not last forever. I believe in an afterlife, and ghosts, and angels.I believe that a higher being exists And I believe that miracles can happen.
I know that magic shouldn't exist, and I know fairy tales are nice, but not real. Science provides no evidence as to the existence of mythological creatures. Sometimes life is as plain and simple as black and white. There's nothing to prove there's an afterlife because no one's lived to tell.

But science doesn't mean shit. Science has no imagination.
I'm fine believing. I like believing. I believe I can believe in whatever I like.

Believe that I believe, and I'll believe everything will be okay.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Construction Paper

Tonight, my mind comes up blank. I have no words. Only a picture. And in this picture, it's a crystal clear night, with stars glittering in the sky like someone took dark blue construction paper and sprinkled glitter everywhere. The moon was pasted on the paper, a glowing hole in the sky in which I can see the other side.

On the other side, I see only possibilities. The could-be's stick out the most. You know, those ones with "What if?" tacked on in the front.

What if the stars were pink?
What if I was just a shadow, a presence you could only feel?
What if time stopped?
What if the sun really did move around the Earth?

But what good are possibilities, when there are no opportunities? There can be no "What if?" but only the "What is,"

The shadow of a paper tree with leafless branches rests on a dark green paper grass. A soft breeze is colored into the scene, and the whisper of the paper can be heard every where.

What if my whole life was just a dream, a distant painting on a once blank canvas, buried under paper soil?

My life is simply what it is...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Got Up Early

Today was just the beginning. From here on out, things will never be the same...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Key Words

I think I've had a change of heart. I think I've had a change of mind. I warned you that this is what happens when those three little words are whispered at last...

I'm beginning to lose all interest.

But I can't bring myself to hurt you... Because I know that everything you say to me is true...

I wish you'd never said any of it...

I'm not sure if it's a fear of commitment, or a fear of love... I couldn't care less though... Because either way, it doesn't matter what you call it... The fact is I've changed my heart's mind.

I feel trapped, strapped down. A tiny cage has been thrown over my head, securing me to this very spot with no room for much more than breathing.

I can't be tied down if I want to fly. Now that the opportunities have passed, I'm trying desperately to get free without hurting anyone. I know it's impossible though.

The lock on my cage is the shape of words. Words are the key. Words got me in here. Words can get me out... but they have to be the right words, the words that fit the lock. Saying them could hurt me, but it could potentially kill you.

So, when I gather the courage, I'll say to you something like, "You can take your three little words back. I don't want them, or how they make me feel..."

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pocket Watch

The clock ticks, ever ticking off the time passing. My ears ringing, I wonder how much longer of this Hell I must endure. Steam rises from my ears as I listen to her chatter on about something I couldn't possibly give a damn about. I don't hear distinct words, only an overly animated voice.

I don't understand why she does this to me (my mother, I mean). She knows I can't stand the brown haired, blue eyed girl at my side. Sure. I used to believe she was my best friend. But I've been double crossed, stabbed in the back, and put down by her too many times now. Yet she continues to force us together, saying I can't burn this bridge.
Well, mom. This is my decision. I can burn any bridge I want to. I choose my friends, not you! I'm sick of you trying to control me. Sure, you can ground me. You can take my stuff away. You can make me get the mail, do the dishes, or something along those lines. But you can't control what I like and dislike. And you can't control the way I feel.

You need to stop trying to get me to believe and feel the way you do. Just because you drag me to church, that doesn't mean I worship your God. Just because you're comfortable there, it doesn't mean I am. My skin crawls and I wanna vomit.

When you force me into something, I will go out of my way to make things difficult.

It makes me sick that you can't seem to accept me as the way I am. Instead, you're wasting your time and trying to make me feel some feeling that we both know I'm uncapable of feeling.

Good night, mom.
I love you too...

Monday, August 30, 2010

No Rules

In this game, there are no rules. These things we follow are merely suggestions. Suggested by someone who can't stand a lack of power and order.

And so, it is with the greatest pleasure that I announce "Tawr".

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Tonight, it's all out in the open. 3 Words; 8 Letters...

Confession number one: I think about you every minute of every day.

Confession number two: I wish you were next to me all the time.

Confession number three: I'm obsessed with you.

Confession number four: I love the way I can talk to you about anything.

Confession number five: I hate that you're so far away from me.

Confession number six: My heart beats faster when I think of you.

Confession number seven: I can't keep the smile off of my heart when I talk to you.

Confession number eight: I'm jealous of the people you're with, because they get to touch and feel, and see you...

Confession number nine: I'm scared. No. I'm terrified.

Confession number ten: I love you too...

I wasn't sure if I'd be able to admit this right now, but I did. And I'm glad that I said all this. I'm not sure if I know what I'm doing... I'm just winging it right now. So, I jumped. Now, I'm falling. And I'm trusting that you'll catch me.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

And The Days Zoom By

Day 1 : March in lines, learn the music, listen to the trumpets scream

Day 2 : March in blocks, learn to trust each other, listen to the drums beat

Day 3 : March around the field, learn to perfect, listen to the band play together

Day 4 : March in form, learn to stay in step, listen as it gets harder

Day 5 : March for the crowd, learn to stay calm, listen as the crowd roars

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Saturday, August 21, 2010


I made a sandwich, because I'm hungry. I'm eating my sandwich, because it tastes good.

I'm not really sure what's on my mind right now. My best friend is leaving for North Carolina tomorrow morning, and I'm gonna miss her bunches.

Last night was awesome. I had a different best friend stay the night, and it was fun. We called some people, and talked to those people for hours. :D I'm glad last night happened.

I've been making little dragon guys out of play-doh recently... They're so cute. My favorite is black and blue, and tiny, and I love him. I'm giving him to one of my best friends.

I have a LOT of best friends. They're all so great, and the best in their own unique way. I love them to death.

I'm going to redirect my thoughts now, and watch a movie. I'm not sure which one just yet, but I'll find something. Preferably something with magic, adventure, and romance. *shrugs* Those are the best kind. In my opinion.

Have a great night. Peace.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

If I Could Say What I Wanted to Say, This is What You Would Hear

Dear Someone,

I'm sick of you and your self righteous attitude. You always have to be right, and you can't accept when you're wrong... It's annoying as hell, and I still have a bruise from the last time you were wrong.

You strive too hard to be different. You close yourself off to anything new someone suggests to you because somebody else already likes it. It's pathetic. Someone is bound to have something in common with you--get over it.

You wonder why no one likes you? It's because you're mean and heartless. And honestly, I don't blame them. I envy them of their distance from you.

Also, you have no respect for anyones opinion but your own. Just because you feel differently doesn't mean your opinion is better. It means you're different. Which is exactly what you wanted. Right?

You're a hypocrite. You go on and on and on about how much you love God, and what a good person you try to be. Then, you turn around and lie, instead of facing the consequences, like any REAL Christian would do. And then you think you can just say "sorry" and ask for forgiveness. Sorry only works so many times, sweety, and only if there's a change in behavior.

The only reason I've hung around for so long is because my mom made me. Trust me honey, I didn't enjoy ONE minute of it.

I'm not sorry if I hurt your feelings. It wasn't my intention, but these words had to be said. I mean, no one else was going to do it.

I realize that I'm not entirely innocent myself. I don't claim to be. But at least I have the decency to acknowledge that I'm wrong. I have enough self-respect to keep from lying.

And, if I thought you were capable of a permanent change, I wouldn't burn this bridge... But I'm not stupid, like you believe. The most I could ever expect from you was a string of apologies, and a temporary spout of kindness for little less than a month. Then you would return to your cold, heartless ways. I know, because you've done it to me before.

So, I'm done. I'm done with pretending I give a damn about what you think of my opinions. They're MY opinions, and nothing you say will change them.

I'm done with allowing you to work my self esteem down, and being degraded and walked on by you daily.

I'm done with your backstabbing, and all the pain and grief you've caused me. But most importantly, I'm done with you.

*Sorry mom. This is one bridge I HAVE to burn. I'll keep the ashes, if you'd like. But no one is crossing it again.

Me; Definition: Unfortunate

I sometimes hate how you make me feel so self-conscious. I know, for a fact, that you don't mean to. But you're just so... You.

I never hear you complain; yet, I complain to you all the time.
I complain about my mom, my house (it doesn't qualify for a home), I complain about the heat, my cramps, the girl I'm supposed to be friends with. And you just listen to me... To it all! And you never tell me about you're problems, even when I ask.

I feel selfish, but you assure me that I'm fine.

And sometimes you make me feel like I'm just an ignorant girl with your large words and just the way you talk to me sometimes...

You also make me feel like everything is perfect when I'm talking with you... It's... Easy, and natural.

But we talk about me soo much, and for once, I want to forget about my misfortunes, and focus on the fact that I'm not alone...

Please... Just... Let me in.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

You Dropped Your Pocket

It's our personal inside joke,, :)

Because we both know its true,, <3

I just wish it was real... *

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I wish I could remember the name of that movie...

In a Land Far Away

The world inhales and I can't breathe. There's no air, no wind, no life. The world exhales, returning the air, the wind, and the life. It's safe to breathe once more.

I can't fathom what it feels like to be happy where I'm at. I don't want to stay here, but I can't walk away.

In a far away land next door, I see the freedom bestowed upon other people. I'm so close, but not close enough. I see it, I really truly do. But I don't have the power to touch it, to breathe it in...

In a far away land next door, I wish I was there...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ready, Go

Ready, go





The dark






Our thoughts are a vicious disease. It's contagious, dangerous, lovely, intriguing, outrageous.

Tell me of your disease, and I'll spread it along...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lost in an Ocean of Emotion

Take a peek at the stars as you float on your back, struggling for every breath you take. Just like the ship, you're taking on water and sinking, your heart breaking as it becomes too much.

But fight to survive, because you promised. You promised you would live and make him proud, even if it felt like you couldn't go on.

Salty tears and salty ocean water stain your pale, frozen cheeks; and you continue to stare off into the distance, praying that everything will be okay.

Just as you begin to lose all hope, a light shines near by. You wonder if you're dead, and you strive to pinch yourself to make sure. But you're alive--only just, but it doesn't matter.

You try to call for help, but your voice won't work. They see only your frozen and unmoving face staring up at them widely, but they hear nothing to prove you're alive.

They begin to move on. You look at his face, but there's no one there; just an empty cold shell resembling the someone you loved. "Never let go..."

She let go of his hand, and he sunk to the floor of the ocean. She didn't need to try not to cry; she had no energy for such things.

She pushed herself into the frigid waters, and flailed her arms and legs. She was swimming. She maneuvered her way to a man with a whistle.

She looked back at the boat and tried to call out once more. Nothing...

She put the whistle in her mouth.
She blew.
She blew again. A whisper of a loud shrill call.

Again she blew the whistle, and it screamed a piercing yell. The men in the boat looked back and shined the light on her once more.

She blew again, and the boat turned around, making its way to her.

It was almost there, and she kept blowing the whistle. It sounded like a metallic child crying.


Days later, she came to... Wondering what had happened and where she was. But it didn't take long for her memory to return. She remembered the ship sinking, the man holding her hand. She remembered her promise to survive, and she remembered looking into his pale dead face and letting him sink.

This time, she cried.

Even though she was on dry, unmoving land, she found herself lost in the ocean again, with no one to save her this time.

She let go...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Find Me Tonight

Join me tonight in a silent vigilance. Guard the night and bless the stars. With every passing second, dedicate your thoughts to me. Remember that you are my sun when the skies are gray. You keep me warm whilst the snow drifts lazily and blankets the Earth.
Remember that I'm waiting for you. Remember that you're the one that makes everything seem okay, even if it's not.

Just remember that I love you, and please... Come find me tonight.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Right Now

And this is the precise moment in which I wish for your embrace.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Unleash My Soul

The world spins around me, disorienting me. I can't see straight. I can't finish my thoughts. This feeling is more than a little unnerving, and my blood races confusion to various parts of my body.

My walls are breaking, crumbling to the ground. There's so many thoughts to think, too many to focus on. My head hurts, the very act of trying is beginning to grow tiresome.

I feel faint, like I'm fading away into a cluttered background.

There's just too much.

I need to let it out.

Good Morning

It's 5:30 A.M. Below me, someone stirs. I hear the alarm clock go off, footsteps on the floor. I can hear the dryer open and close, then the shower turn on and shortly after, back off. 5:45 now. The microwave beeps, and I know that she made herself some breakfast. Foot steps echo off the stair well walls, the boards creek, and mom comes in to say bye. 5:47 now. Downstairs, the door opens and closes, squeaking madly.

Silence then. But I can't fall back asleep, and if I do, it's merely a light, uneasy slumber.

Open my eyes. 6:30 A.M. now. Stare at the ceiling of my disaster of a room. Sigh. Turn over and snuggle close to the wall. Close my eyes. Nothing. Angrily, I sit up and try laying at the foot of my bed.

Again, a light and uneasy sleep. I feel like I'm falling and start awake. Check my phone. 7:45 A.M. now.

No new text messages. I sigh, wondering what time is acceptable to wake you up.

I wait a bit longer, staring up at my ceiling. 8:32 A.M. I text you, saying "Good morning."

You reply :)

Saturday, July 31, 2010


You say that if I was your age, I would be yours. But age is just a number. It shouldn't matter; three years isn't that much of a difference. Distance, I could understand. But age? It just doesn't make sense.

I like you... a lot. Probably more than I should. And it feels like you like me. But I can't be sure because you're always saying stuff like that. And honestly, it pisses me off.

I half wish you would read this, and I half wish you won't. I don't want to make you mad, or scare you off. But I want you to know what's really on my mind.


(Edited August 2nd, 2010)

I realize I misunderstood what you meant. It's not the age difference that bothers you. It's just that circumstances are wearisome...

That's all.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tie Me Up

I'm so sick of feeling this way. I need to touch the ground, feel the grass between my toes.

Cool stone walls surround me, caging me inside a room. There's no door, and one window. Jumping is to end everything. I communicate with you daily, and I tell you who I am. I let you in, and you think I just need to be rescued. Well, you're more right than a right-angle.
But you can't save me, no one can. It doesn't matter how wealthy you are, or how physically fit. It doesn't matter if you can pull the sword from the stone, it doesn't matter if you can breathe fire or stop time. None of it matters.

This tower is just too high.

And to top it off, what if you do rescue me? What if I do feel the grass beneath my toes. Are you Prince Charming?
If you don't like me in the same way I like you, please. I'm begging you!
Don't lead me on.

My heart can't take another blow...

Time Travel

When will the days slow down? They're moving too fast and I'm getting dizzy. Please, walls, stop spinning. You're making me sick.

With the moon high over head, we walk down the middle of the desolate road, hand in hand. Buildings reaching for the stars tower over us; when we look up, the sight is dizzying. I can't think of a single complaint here with you.
It begins to rain, and a smile spreads across my face. I look up at you, gazing at your bright blue eyes, and take your other hand. With my lead, we begin to waltz in circles, the pavement spinning beneath our bare feet. The moment is simple and plain, but it's thrilling and beautiful, and I never want it to end.

Darling dearest, tonight is perfect.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Meet Me by that Puddle of Mud

As the tears drip freely off the end of my nose, I have a sense deep down that, despite the turmoil, things will even out.

Today is a kind day for the world. Friends leave, fireflies dye, stars fade away into the black velvety sky, the moon disappears. Autumn breathes in and exhales, giving to the cold and dying world warm colors of gold and red to make up for the lack of warmth in the air. September creeps up upon us ever faster, leading the way to a snow covered path through December and into a new year. Time is speeding up, bringing us closer to the inevitable end.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rain Clouds

I'm not afraid anymore. I know I can do this.

Don't smile, please. I don't want the world to light up just yet. I'm enjoying my dance in the rain, the drops of water leaving the silky atmosphere and washing away my worries and tears. I enjoy the sound of the thunder rumbling and the beautiful vision of lightning flashing in brilliant streaks of silver across the sky.

I don't miss the sun just yet, and I don't miss the warmth of golden light exploring the nooks and crannies of the earth.

Don't smile, because I like the world in darkness.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Look at me... I'm a title!

I'm like a firefly... I light up and shine every once in a while. You can catch me in your palm, take a peek at me, then let me go. Just catch and release.


Light filtered through the canopy of trees, appearing green under the leaves. Puddles of shadow littered the forest floor, creating dark patches of mystery. The place was teeming with an abundance of life. The very trees breathed and sighed, groaned and whispered.

The sun peered down at the world, trying to enlighten the day with bright, warm light. The sun's light weaved it's way through the forest, sniffing at the shadows, and trying to bring warmth into the cold depths of the soil. But alas, as the light could not penetrate the shadows and the soil, it left, moving onto other regions and spreading the joy and polishing a near by river.