Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lost in an Ocean of Emotion

Take a peek at the stars as you float on your back, struggling for every breath you take. Just like the ship, you're taking on water and sinking, your heart breaking as it becomes too much.

But fight to survive, because you promised. You promised you would live and make him proud, even if it felt like you couldn't go on.

Salty tears and salty ocean water stain your pale, frozen cheeks; and you continue to stare off into the distance, praying that everything will be okay.

Just as you begin to lose all hope, a light shines near by. You wonder if you're dead, and you strive to pinch yourself to make sure. But you're alive--only just, but it doesn't matter.

You try to call for help, but your voice won't work. They see only your frozen and unmoving face staring up at them widely, but they hear nothing to prove you're alive.

They begin to move on. You look at his face, but there's no one there; just an empty cold shell resembling the someone you loved. "Never let go..."

She let go of his hand, and he sunk to the floor of the ocean. She didn't need to try not to cry; she had no energy for such things.

She pushed herself into the frigid waters, and flailed her arms and legs. She was swimming. She maneuvered her way to a man with a whistle.

She looked back at the boat and tried to call out once more. Nothing...

She put the whistle in her mouth.
She blew.
She blew again. A whisper of a loud shrill call.

Again she blew the whistle, and it screamed a piercing yell. The men in the boat looked back and shined the light on her once more.

She blew again, and the boat turned around, making its way to her.

It was almost there, and she kept blowing the whistle. It sounded like a metallic child crying.


Days later, she came to... Wondering what had happened and where she was. But it didn't take long for her memory to return. She remembered the ship sinking, the man holding her hand. She remembered her promise to survive, and she remembered looking into his pale dead face and letting him sink.

This time, she cried.

Even though she was on dry, unmoving land, she found herself lost in the ocean again, with no one to save her this time.

She let go...

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